samedi 11 août 2012

Et pourquoi pas un vlog? -MiNi

Bonjour \(^-^)/ 

Aujourd'hui, j'ai décidé de vous présenter mon premier vlog. Ça faisait un moment que je souhaitais en faire un et ça y est, je me suis lancée! Dans cette première vidéo, je vous parle de la dernière Japan Expo et ma nouvelle palette de maquillage. J'espère que cela vous plait, n'hésitez pas à commenter pour me donner votre opinion ^-^.
Bon visionnage ~

Hello no-french readers, 

This time, I have decided to do a vlog. I'm sorry, it's only in french, I'm not confident enough to talk in english in front of a camera >.< In this vlog, I give my impressions about the last Japan Expo and my new make up palette (Ammo Eye from Urban Decay). 
To sum up, I was very happy to see the fabulous Harajuku kawai fashion show at Japan Expo and to meet such wonderful models as Kyary, Una, Ayumi Seto, Apochi and Fumiko but I'm a little bit disapointed. They were introduced like idols more than models and they didn't really talk about fashion (the subject which interest me the most). About the make up, I really love this palette, it's just perfect for a beginner like me. The colors are really pretty and shiny but not easy to fix. 
[Sorry for my english >.>]

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